Chapter Summaries of Exodus
Exodus 1 27 Sep 2010 13 comments
1 The Israelites prospered in Egypt, but a new king arose and forced them into hard labour. He commanded that their baby boys be killed.
Exodus 2 28 Sep 2010 6 comments
2 Pharaoh's daughter found a Hebrew baby by the river. She named him Moses. When he grew up, Moses killed an Egyptian and fled to Midian.
Exodus 3 29 Sep 2010 5 comments
3 Moses saw a burning bush. God told him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. Moses asked God his name and God said, "I am who I am."
Exodus 4 30 Sep 2010 1 comment
4 The LORD gave Moses signs so that the people would listen. Moses was afraid, so the LORD sent his brother Aaron to speak for him.
Exodus 5 1 Oct 2010 5 comments
5 Moses and Aaron told Pharaoh to let the Israelites go into the desert to worship. Pharaoh refused and increased their workload instead.
Exodus 6 2 Oct 2010 3 comments
6 The LORD told Moses that he would lead the Israelites out of Egypt to the promised land. Aaron and Moses were from the tribe of Levi.
Exodus 7 3 Oct 2010 4 comments
7 Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh. Aaron's staff became a snake, then the LORD turned the Nile to blood, but Pharaoh wouldn't listen.
Exodus 8 4 Oct 2010 11 comments
8 The LORD sent a plague of frogs on Egypt. Pharaoh begged for relief but then hardened his heart. The LORD sent gnats and then flies.
Exodus 9 5 Oct 2010 5 comments
9 The LORD sent a plague on the livestock of Egypt, then boils and then hail. Pharaoh begged for relief but then his heart was hardened.
Exodus 10 6 Oct 2010 4 comments
10 The LORD sent a plague of locusts. Pharaoh begged for relief but then his heart was hardened. The LORD sent darkness for three days.
Exodus 11 7 Oct 2010 5 comments
11 The LORD said that he would send one more plague, and then Pharaoh would let the Israelites go: all the firstborn Egyptians would die.
Exodus 12 8 Oct 2010 8 comments
12 The LORD told the Israelites to take Passover. That night all the firstborn Egyptians were killed. Pharaoh told the Israelites to go.
Exodus 13 9 Oct 2010 6 comments
13 The LORD told the Israelites to consecrate their firstborns to him. He guided them as a pillar of cloud by day and of fire by night.
Exodus 14 10 Oct 2010 7 comments
14 Pharaoh's army caught the Israelites by the sea. The LORD parted the waters and the Israelites crossed. The Egyptian army was drowned.
Exodus 15 11 Oct 2010 4 comments
15 The Israelites sang: "I will sing to the LORD, for he has triumphed; horse and rider he has thrown into the sea." They camped at Elim.
Exodus 16 12 Oct 2010 6 comments
16 The Israelites grumbled to Moses that they had no food, so each day the LORD provided quails and manna. They rested on the sabbath.
Exodus 17 13 Oct 2010 4 comments
17 The LORD told Moses to strike a rock to provide water. Amalek attacked Israel, but as Moses held up his arms Joshua's army prevailed.
Exodus 18 14 Oct 2010 2 comments
18 Moses' father-in-law Jethro came and offered sacrifices to God. He suggested that Moses appoint leaders to help him judge the people.
Exodus 19 15 Oct 2010 6 comments
19 The Israelites camped near the mountain in Sinai. The LORD spoke to Moses on the mountain and made his covenant with Israel.
Exodus 20 16 Oct 2010 15 comments
20 I am the LORD your God. Honour the LORD above everything. Keep the Sabbath. Honour your parents. Don't do wrong to your neighbours.
Exodus 21 17 Oct 2010 3 comments
21 If you buy a Hebrew slave he shall go free in the seventh year. Whoever kills shall be put to death. Whoever injures shall compensate.
Exodus 22 18 Oct 2010 6 comments
22 Whoever steals shall make restitution. If a man sleeps with a virgin he shall marry her. You shall not oppress strangers or the poor.
Exodus 23 19 Oct 2010 3 comments
23 You shall not pervert justice. Each year you shall hold feasts. My angel will lead you and I will drive your enemies from the land.
Exodus 24 20 Oct 2010 2 comments
24 The people said, "All that the LORD has spoken we will do", and they offered sacrifices. The LORD told Moses to stay on the mountain.
Exodus 25 21 Oct 2010 5 comments
25 Tell the Israelites to make a sanctuary for me. Make an ark with a mercy seat and two cherubim. Make a table. Then make a lampstand.
Exodus 26 22 Oct 2010 1 comment
26 Make a tabernacle of fine linen. Make curtains of goats' hair to cover the tabernacle. Make boards of acacia wood and a linen veil.
Exodus 27 23 Oct 2010 2 comments
27 Make an altar of acacia wood with bronze utensils. Make a court for the tabernacle of fine linen hangings and bronze pillars.
Exodus 28 24 Oct 2010 1 comment
28 Set apart Aaron and his sons to minister as priests. Make a breastplate, an ephod, a robe, a tunic, a turban and a sash for them.
Exodus 29 25 Oct 2010 3 comments
29 Sacrifice a young bull and two rams to consecrate Aaron and his sons. Make daily sacrifices on the altar and I will dwell with Israel.
Exodus 30 26 Oct 2010 2 comments
30 Make an altar for burning incense. The Israelites shall each give half a shekel. Make a bronze laver. Make anointing oil and incense.
Exodus 31 27 Oct 2010 6 comments
31 I have filled Bezalel with the Spirit of God, with skill to make everything I have commanded. The seventh day is a Sabbath of rest.
Exodus 32 28 Oct 2010 2 comments
32 While Moses was away the people worshipped a golden calf. Moses pleaded with the LORD for them, but then had three thousand killed.
Exodus 33 29 Oct 2010 1 comment
33 Moses set up a tent of meeting. He said to the LORD, "Don't send us from here without your presence." The LORD passed near to Moses.
Exodus 34 30 Oct 2010 5 comments
34 Moses made new tablets for the law. The LORD spoke to him and made a covenant with Israel. When Moses returned his face was shining.
Exodus 35 31 Oct 2010 1 comment
35 Moses told the Israelites to keep the Sabbath. He called for craftsmen to make the tabernacle. The people gave gifts for the work.
Exodus 36 1 Nov 2010 7 comments
36 The people gave more than enough. The craftsmen made the curtains. Bezalel made the curtains, the boards, the veil and the pillars.
Exodus 37 2 Nov 2010 3 comments
37 Bezalel made the ark with its cherubim, the table, the lampstand and the incense altar. He made the anointing oil and the incense.
Exodus 38 3 Nov 2010 4 comments
38 Bezalel made the altar of burnt offering, the laver and the court. Ithamar kept an inventory of the gold, silver and bronze used.
Exodus 39 4 Nov 2010 2 comments
39 They made the ephod, breastplate, tunics, turban and sash for Aaron. Moses saw that it had all been made as the LORD had commanded.
Exodus 40 5 Nov 2010 2 comments
40 Moses set up the tabernacle and brought the ark into it, as the LORD had commanded. Then the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle.

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These are the summaries of the book of Exodus.
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