Chapter Summaries of 2 Timothy
2 Timothy 1 6 Sep 2013 1 comment
1 Paul, to Timothy my son. Fan into flame the gift of God. Share in suffering for the gospel. Hold to the standard of sound teaching.
2 Timothy 2 7 Sep 2013 1 comment
2 No soldier gets entangled with civilian affairs. Present yourself to God as an approved worker. Cleanse yourself for honourable use.
2 Timothy 3 8 Sep 2013 1 comment
3 In the last days people will be proud and unholy. As for you, continue in what you have learned. All Scripture is inspired by God.
2 Timothy 4 9 Sep 2013 2 comments
4 Preach the word in and out of season. I have finished my race. Come to me soon with Mark. Beware of Alexander. The Lord be with you.

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These are the summaries of the book of 2 Timothy.
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