Chapter Summaries of James
1 James, to the tribes. Many trials produce perseverance. Riches will fade. Every good gift comes from the Father. Be doers of the word.
2 If you show partiality to the rich you are committing sin. Act as those who are under the law of liberty. Faith without works is dead.
James 3 29 Sep 2013 2 comments
3 No one can tame the tongue. With it we bless our Father and with it we curse others. The wisdom from above is pure and peace-loving.
4 Your worldly desires cause conflict. Resist the devil, draw near to God. Who are you to judge your neighbour? You boast in arrogance.
5 You rich have fattened yourselves for slaughter. Brothers, be patient until the Lord comes. The prayer of faith will save the sick.

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These are the summaries of the book of James.
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