Chapter Summaries of Revelation

Revelation 1 18 Oct 2013 3 comments

1 The revelation of Jesus Christ to John. A voice said, "Write to the churches." I saw one like a son of man, his face was like the sun.

Revelation 2 19 Oct 2013 1 comment

2 "Ephesus, renew your first love. Smyrna, be faithful until death. Pergamum, some hold false teaching. Thyatira, you tolerate Jezebel."

Revelation 3 20 Oct 2013 1 comment

3 "Sardis, you are not alive but dead. Philadelphia, you have endured in my word. Laodicea, you are lukewarm so I will spit you out."

Revelation 4 21 Oct 2013 1 comment

4 I saw one seated on the throne in heaven. The four living creatures say, "Holy, holy, holy." The elders say, "You created all things."

Revelation 5 22 Oct 2013 3 comments

5 A Lamb standing as though slain took the scroll with seven seals. The creatures, elders and myriad angels sang, "Worthy is the Lamb!"

Revelation 6 23 Oct 2013 1 comment

6 The Lamb opened four seals and the horsemen went out to destroy. With the fifth seal I saw the martyrs. With the sixth the stars fell.

Revelation 7 24 Oct 2013 1 comment

7 The 144,000 were sealed from the tribes. A multitude cried, "Salvation belongs to our God." An elder said, "God will wipe every tear."

Revelation 8 25 Oct 2013 1 comment

8 With the seventh seal there was silence. I saw seven angels. Four angels blew their trumpets and a third of the earth was destroyed.

Revelation 9 26 Oct 2013 2 comments

9 At the fifth trumpet, locusts from the pit tormented the earth. At the sixth trumpet, four angels killed a third of mankind with fire.

Revelation 10 27 Oct 2013 1 comment

10 I saw an angel with a scroll. He cried out and seven thunders sounded. A voice said, "Eat the scroll." It was sweet and then bitter.

Revelation 11 28 Oct 2013 2 comments

11 The two witnesses will prophesy until the beast kills them. At the seventh trumpet, loud voices said, "Our God shall reign forever."

Revelation 12 29 Oct 2013 1 comment

12 A woman giving birth and a great dragon appeared. Michael and his angels fought the dragon. The dragon was thrown down to the earth.

Revelation 13 30 Oct 2013 2 comments

13 I saw a beast rising out of the sea. It spoke blasphemy against God. Another beast rose and gave everyone a mark. Its number is 666.

Revelation 14 31 Oct 2013 1 comment

14 I saw the Lamb in Zion with the 144,000. Angels said, "The hour of judgement has come." The earth was reaped with a sharp sickle.

Revelation 15 1 Nov 2013 1 comment

15 I saw angels with seven plagues. Those who conquered sang, "Just are your ways, Lord!" The angels were given seven bowls of wrath.

Revelation 16 2 Nov 2013 1 comment

16 The bowls of wrath were poured out. The seas turned to blood, darkness fell, the kings gathered at Armageddon and the earth quaked.

Revelation 17 3 Nov 2013 1 comment

17 I saw a prostitute on a beast with seven heads and ten horns. An angel said, "The heads and horns are kings. The Lamb will conquer."

Revelation 18 4 Nov 2013 1 comment

18 An angel cried, "Fallen, fallen is Babylon!" The kings and merchants will weep. An angel said, "The great city will be thrown down."

Revelation 19 5 Nov 2013 1 comment

19 A multitude cried, "Hallelujah! The Lord reigns." The Word of God led the armies of heaven. The beast was cast into the lake of fire.

Revelation 20 6 Nov 2013 1 comment

20 Satan was bound and the martyrs reigned with Christ for 1,000 years. Then Satan was cast into the lake of fire. The dead were judged.

Revelation 21 7 Nov 2013 1 comment

21 I saw a new heaven and earth. A voice said, "God dwells with his people." An angel showed me the new Jerusalem. Its lamp is the Lamb.

Revelation 22 8 Nov 2013 4 comments

22 The river of life flows from the throne of God. "Behold, I am coming soon. I am the beginning and the end." Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!

Chris Juby

I summarised all 1,189 chapters of the Bible on Twitter - one tweet per chapter, one chapter per day for over three years.

Click ☰Summaries above to view the archive.

These are the summaries of the book of Revelation.

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