Chapter Summaries of 1 Timothy
1 Timothy 1 31 Aug 2013 1 comment
1 Paul, to Timothy my son. Stay in Ephesus to correct false teachers. Christ came into the world to save sinners. Glory to God forever!
1 Timothy 2 1 Sep 2013 2 comments
2 Let prayers be made for all those in authority. God wants everyone to come to the knowledge of the truth. Let women learn in silence.
1 Timothy 3 2 Sep 2013 1 comment
3 An overseer must be respectable and manage his family well. Deacons must be dignified and not greedy. Godliness is a great mystery.
1 Timothy 4 3 Sep 2013 1 comment
4 In later times some will depart from the faith. Have nothing to do with godless myths. Devote yourself to Scripture and to teaching.
1 Timothy 5 4 Sep 2013 1 comment
5 Put widows over sixty on the list. Younger widows should marry. Elders who rule well are worthy of double honour. Keep yourself pure.
1 Timothy 6 5 Sep 2013 2 comments
6 Those who contradict the teaching of Christ understand nothing. The love of money is a root of evil. Fight the good fight of faith.

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These are the summaries of the book of 1 Timothy.
They are written to help you understand and remember what's going on in the chapter, but they're no substitute for reading the Bible for yourself.
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