Chapter Summaries of Haggai
1 The LORD says: "Consider your ways! You never have enough because the temple lies in ruins." So the people worked on the temple.
2 The LORD says: "The latter glory of this temple shall be greater than the former. This nation is unclean. But now I will bless you."

I summarised all 1,189 chapters of the Bible on Twitter - one tweet per chapter, one chapter per day for over three years.
Click ☰Summaries above to view the archive.
These are the summaries of the book of Haggai.
They are written to help you understand and remember what's going on in the chapter, but they're no substitute for reading the Bible for yourself.
Find out about the project here, you can buy the Bible Summary book on Kindle or in paperback, and feel free to get in contact if you have any comments or questions.