Chapter Summaries of Judges
1 Judah defeated the Canaanites and took Jerusalem. Joseph put Bethel to the sword. But the Canaanites were not driven out completely.
2 After Joshua's generation died the Israelites served Baals. The LORD sold them to their enemies but raised up judges to deliver them.
Judges 3 9 Mar 2011 3 comments
3 After Othniel died the Israelites did evil. King Eglon defeated them. The LORD raised up Ehud who thrust a sword into Eglon's belly.
Judges 4 10 Mar 2011 21 comments
4 Jabin and Sisera oppressed Israel. Deborah sent Barak against them and the LORD routed them. Jael drove a peg through Sisera's head.
Judges 5 11 Mar 2011 1 comment
5 Deborah and Barak sang: "When leaders lead and people are willing, praise the LORD! Blessed is Jael; Let your enemies perish, O LORD!"
Judges 6 12 Mar 2011 4 comments
6 The LORD gave the Israelites to Midian. The angel of the LORD told Gideon to save Israel and gave him a sign. Gideon gathered an army.
Judges 7 13 Mar 2011 7 comments
7 The LORD told Gideon to send away all but 300 men. The 300 crept into the Midianite camp. They blew trumpets and the Midianites fled.
Judges 8 14 Mar 2011 1 comment
8 Gideon defeated Zebah and Zalmunna and punished Succoth and Penuel. He refused to rule Israel. When Gideon died Israel served Baals.
Judges 9 15 Mar 2011 5 comments
9 Abimelech killed his brothers and ruled over Israel. Gaal rose against him. Abimelech destroyed Shechem but was killed by a millstone.
Judges 10 16 Mar 2011 1 comment
10 Again the Israelites did evil. The LORD sold them to the Philistines and the Ammonites. They cried out and put aside foreign gods.
Judges 11 17 Mar 2011 8 comments
11 Jephthah vowed to sacrifice whatever came out to meet him if he defeated the Ammonites. His daughter met him so he sacrificed her.
Judges 12 18 Mar 2011 1 comment
12 The Ephraimites attacked Jephthah. Jephthah and the Gileadites defeated them and caught survivors by making them say 'Shibboleth'.
Judges 13 19 Mar 2011 3 comments
13 The LORD gave Israel to the Philistines. The angel of the LORD told Manoah's wife that she would conceive. She named her son Samson.
Judges 14 20 Mar 2011 1 comment
14 Samson took a Philistine wife. He killed a lion and bees made honey in the carcass. He posed a riddle but his wife explained it.
Judges 15 21 Mar 2011 3 comments
15 Samson's wife married another man so Samson burned the Philistine crops. The Israelites bound him. He killed a thousand Philistines.
Judges 16 22 Mar 2011 3 comments
16 Samson loved Delilah. She had his hair shaved so he lost his strength and was captured. He died pulling down the Philistine temple.
Judges 17 23 Mar 2011 1 comment
17 Micah set up a shrine. There was no king so everyone did what was right in their own eyes. Micah appointed a Levite as his priest.
Judges 18 24 Mar 2011 1 comment
18 Spies from Dan stayed with Micah. When the Danites went against Laish they took Micah's idol and his priest. They named the city Dan.
Judges 19 25 Mar 2011 4 comments
19 A Levite came to Gibeah. The men of the city raped his concubine until she died. He cut up her body and sent a piece to each tribe.
Judges 20 26 Mar 2011 3 comments
20 The Israelites gathered to attack Gibeah. The Benjaminites defended the city but they were defeated and only 600 of them survived.
Judges 21 27 Mar 2011 3 comments
21 The Israelites grieved that a tribe would be cut off. They destroyed Jabesh-gilead and captured wives for the remaining Benjaminites.

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These are the summaries of the book of Judges.
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