Judges 11
summarised in 140 characters or less
Jephthah vowed to sacrifice whatever came out to meet him if he defeated the Ammonites. His daughter met him so he sacrificed her.
Posted on 17 Mar 2011 to 18,177 followers, with 10 retweets.
Read Judges 11 in full at Bible Gateway.
Ugh. One of my least favourite chapters in the Bible, and the summary makes it sound even more heartless.
Wait, I think this is wrong. She isn't killed, she just becomes celibate (hence the stuff about 'never able to marry' and being a virgin, etc).
Ducktempo is correct
I wish you were right, @DuckTempo and Alert, but I don't think so. Verse 31 is very clear that Jephthah's vow is that he will offer whatever meets him as a burnt offering and verse 39 says that he followed through on what he had vowed.
Yes a burnt offering - but Moasically correct !7 A sheep, a dove, an animal or whatever in accordance within the law. To sacrifice a son or daughter was forbidden. So therefore it is a given that the sacrifice would be limited, defined & subject to Mosaic Law.
Jephthah looked to the Lord to settle the land dispute ... V 27 I have not wronged you, but you are doing me wrong by waging war against me. Let the Lord, the Judge, decide the dispute this day between the Israelites and the Ammonites.’
If I was ever instructed to murder I would reply go to hell! How this book can be referred to as the "Good Book" or "Good News" and instill moral values in children is beyond my understanding. It is difficult for me to expel this one chapter from my thoughts. This and other passages are barbaric.
Carl, I feel that. But it's misleading to take individual passages out of the context of the overall narrative. The book of Judges is full of tales that illustrate how badly wrong people get things even when the think they're trying to honour God. The author is showing what a desperate moral situation the people of Israel get themselves in, and wants to lead people towards the conclusion that they need a king. Jephthah's actions are definitely not being endorsed.

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