Chapter Summaries of Leviticus
Leviticus 1 6 Nov 2010 4 comments
1 Whoever brings a burnt offering should slaughter a bull, a sheep, a goat or a bird. The priest shall burn it on the altar to the LORD.
Leviticus 2 7 Nov 2010 1 comment
2 A grain offering should be fine flour with oil and incense. The priest shall burn a portion. The rest belongs to Aaron and his sons.
Leviticus 3 8 Nov 2010 1 comment
3 A peace offering should be from the herd or the flock. Slaughter it at the tabernacle. The priest shall burn it on the altar as food.
Leviticus 4 9 Nov 2010 3 comments
4 If anyone sins unintentionally they should slaughter a bull, a goat or a lamb. The priest shall burn it to the LORD to make atonement.
Leviticus 5 10 Nov 2010 1 comment
5 When anyone sins with an oath or becomes unclean they should confess it and bring a sin offering. A guilt offering should be a ram.
Leviticus 6 11 Nov 2010 2 comments
6 When anyone cheats a neighbour they should make restitution and bring a guilt offering. The fire on the altar shall never go out.
Leviticus 7 12 Nov 2010 1 comment
7 The meat of a peace offering must be eaten within two days. Do not eat fat or blood. The wave offering belongs to Aaron and his sons.
Leviticus 8 13 Nov 2010 1 comment
8 Moses gathered the people at the tabernacle. He made offerings on the altar and consecrated Aaron and his sons with oil and blood.
Leviticus 9 14 Nov 2010 1 comment
9 Aaron brought a sin offering and a burnt offering to make atonement. The glory of the LORD appeared and a fire consumed the offerings.
Leviticus 10 15 Nov 2010 1 comment
10 Nadab and Abihu offered strange fire, so fire came from the LORD and killed them. Aaron and his other sons stayed at the tabernacle.
Leviticus 11 16 Nov 2010 2 comments
11 You may eat animals with cloven hooves that chew the cud, and fish with scales and fins. Anything that touches a carcass is unclean.
Leviticus 12 17 Nov 2010 1 comment
12 A male child shall be circumcised on the eighth day. A woman who gives birth shall bring offerings after her days of purification.
Leviticus 13 18 Nov 2010 1 comment
13 If anyone has leprosy the priest shall declare them unclean and they shall live outside the camp. A leprous garment shall be burned.
Leviticus 14 19 Nov 2010 3 comments
14 If anyone is healed of leprosy they shall shave their hair and bring offerings. If a house has mildew the priest shall inspect it.
Leviticus 15 20 Nov 2010 1 comment
15 When a man has a discharge he is unclean. When he ejaculates he is unclean until evening. When a woman has her period she is unclean.
Leviticus 16 21 Nov 2010 5 comments
16 Once a year Aaron shall make atonement for the people. He shall bring one goat as a sin offering and release another as a scapegoat.
Leviticus 17 22 Nov 2010 1 comment
17 Anyone who kills an animal and does not bring an offering is guilty. The life is in the blood and I have given it to make atonement.
Leviticus 18 23 Nov 2010 6 comments
18 Don't have sex with a relative, a woman on her period, your neighbour's wife, another man or an animal. These things defile the land.
Leviticus 19 24 Nov 2010 3 comments
19 Be holy. Keep my Sabbaths. Don't turn to idols. Love your neighbour as yourself. Don't mix livestock. Do no injustice. I am the LORD.
Leviticus 20 25 Nov 2010 3 comments
20 Anyone who worships Molech, curses their parents, commits adultery or has sex with a man shall be put to death. You shall be holy.
Leviticus 21 26 Nov 2010 2 comments
21 A priest must not make himself unclean and must only marry a virgin. No descendant of Aaron with a defect may offer the offerings.
Leviticus 22 27 Nov 2010 1 comment
22 A priest shall not eat the offerings if he is unclean. No outsider shall eat the offerings. Offerings must be animals without defect.
Leviticus 23 28 Nov 2010 3 comments
23 Proclaim as feasts: Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Fifty Days Later, the Day of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement and Booths.
Leviticus 24 29 Nov 2010 2 comments
24 Aaron is to tend the lamps and set out the bread before the LORD. An Israelite blasphemed so they took him outside and stoned him.
Leviticus 25 30 Nov 2010 4 comments
25 Every seventh year the land shall rest. Every fiftieth year shall be a jubilee, when property shall be restored and slaves released.
Leviticus 26 1 Dec 2010 4 comments
26 If you keep my laws I will give peace in the land and make you fruitful. If not I will scatter you, but I will not break my covenant.
Leviticus 27 2 Dec 2010 2 comments
27 If anyone dedicates a person or land to the LORD you shall make a valuation. A tithe of everything from the land belongs to the LORD.

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These are the summaries of the book of Leviticus.
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