Chapter Summaries of Hosea
Hosea 1 17 Dec 2012 3 comments
1 The LORD told Hosea, "Marry an adulterer for the land has prostituted itself." Gomer had sons. The LORD said, "You are not my people."
Hosea 2 18 Dec 2012 2 comments
2 "Your mother has been unfaithful. I will expose her lewdness. Now I will speak tenderly to her. I will betroth you to me forever."
Hosea 3 19 Dec 2012 3 comments
3 The LORD said to me, "Go, love your wife again as the LORD loves Israel." So I bought her back. For Israel will return to the LORD.
Hosea 4 20 Dec 2012 2 comments
4 The LORD has a charge against Israel: "There is no faithfulness. They have left God to play the whore. The rulers love shameful ways."
Hosea 5 21 Dec 2012 2 comments
5 "Hear this, O priests, O king! Israel shall stumble in his guilt. Ephraim is crushed in judgement. I will leave until they seek me."
Hosea 6 22 Dec 2012 3 comments
6 Come, let us return to the LORD. On the third day he will raise us up. "I desire steadfast love, not offerings. Israel is defiled."
7 "The sins of Ephraim are revealed. They are like a heated oven. They call to Egypt, go to Assyria. Woe to them for they have strayed!"
8 "A vulture is over Israel. The calf of Samaria shall be broken. The LORD will punish their sins. For Israel has forgotten his Maker."
Hosea 9 25 Dec 2012 2 comments
9 Rejoice not, O Israel! The days of punishment have come. "I will bereave them. I will drive them from my house." God will reject them.
Hosea 10 26 Dec 2012 1 comment
10 Israel is a rich vine. The LORD will break down their altars. "Nations shall be gathered against them." It is time to seek the LORD.
Hosea 11 27 Dec 2012 1 comment
11 "When Israel was a child, I loved him. But the sword shall devour them. How can I give you up, O Ephraim? I will bring them home."
Hosea 12 28 Dec 2012 1 comment
12 "Jacob fought with God. Ephraim has said, 'I am rich.' But I am the LORD. I spoke through the prophets." The LORD will repay Ephraim.
Hosea 13 29 Dec 2012 1 comment
13 "They make idols of silver. But I am the LORD. I will tear them open. Ephraim's sin is stored up. Shall I redeem them from death?"
Hosea 14 30 Dec 2012 1 comment
14 O Israel, return to the LORD. "I will heal their apostasy. They shall blossom like the vine. Whoever is wise, let him understand."

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These are the summaries of the book of Hosea.
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