Chapter Summaries of 1 Kings
1 Kings 1 26 May 2011 3 comments
1 David was very old. His son Adonijah exalted himself as king. When David heard he told Zadok and Nathan to anoint Solomon as king.
1 Kings 2 27 May 2011 3 comments
2 David charged Solomon to keep the law and to punish Joab and Shimei. Then David died. Solomon had Adonijah, Joab and Shimei executed.
1 Kings 3 28 May 2011 7 comments
3 Solomon married Pharaoh's daughter. He asked the LORD for discernment. Two women came before him and he judged between them wisely.
1 Kings 4 29 May 2011 1 comment
4 Solomon had officials and twelve governors. He ruled from the River to the land of Egypt. Men of all nations came to hear his wisdom.
1 Kings 5 30 May 2011 1 comment
5 Solomon sent to King Hiram: "I will build a house for the LORD. Cut down cedars for me." The workers prepared the timber and stones.
1 Kings 6 31 May 2011 1 comment
6 Solomon built the temple. The LORD said, "If you walk in my ways I will dwell with Israel." Solomon overlaid the temple with gold.
1 Kings 7 1 Jun 2011 2 comments
7 Solomon built his own house. Hiram made pillars, the sea and utensils for the temple of bronze. Solomon made the furniture of gold.
1 Kings 8 2 Jun 2011 1 comment
8 The priests brought the ark into the temple. Solomon said, "O LORD, if anyone prays toward this place then hear from heaven and act."
1 Kings 9 3 Jun 2011 2 comments
9 The LORD said to Solomon, "If you walk in my ways I will establish your throne." Solomon did not make slaves of the sons of Israel.
1 Kings 10 4 Jun 2011 1 comment
10 The queen of Sheba came to test Solomon. She gave him gold, spices and precious stones. Solomon excelled all the kings of the earth.
1 Kings 11 5 Jun 2011 2 comments
11 Solomon had many wives and turned to other gods. Ahijah told Jeroboam that the LORD would give him ten of the tribes. Solomon died.
1 Kings 12 6 Jun 2011 2 comments
12 Rehoboam refused to reduce the labour demands on Israel. So all Israel except Judah made Jeroboam king. Jeroboam made golden calves.
1 Kings 13 7 Jun 2011 9 comments
13 A man of God cried out against Jeroboam's altar. He disobeyed the LORD by eating at an old prophet's house and was killed by a lion.
1 Kings 14 8 Jun 2011 1 comment
14 Ahijah told Jeroboam's wife: "The LORD says, 'I will sweep away the house of Jeroboam.'" Rehoboam ruled Judah and Judah did evil.
1 Kings 15 9 Jun 2011 1 comment
15 Abijam ruled Judah and was not devoted to the LORD. Asa ruled and did right. Nadab ruled Israel and did evil. Baasha killed Nadab.
1 Kings 16 10 Jun 2011 3 comments
16 Elah ruled Israel and did evil. Zimri killed Elah but Israel made Omri king. Omri did evil. Ahab ruled and began to worship Baal.
1 Kings 17 11 Jun 2011 1 comment
17 Elijah told Ahab, "There will be no rain." Elijah stayed with a widow in Zarephath. The widow's son died but the LORD revived him.
1 Kings 18 12 Jun 2011 5 comments
18 Elijah went to Ahab and challenged the prophets of Baal. Baal gave no answer but the LORD answered Elijah with fire. Then rain fell.
1 Kings 19 13 Jun 2011 2 comments
19 Elijah fled from Jezebel. At Horeb there was a wind, an earthquake and a fire; then the LORD spoke. Elijah put his mantle on Elisha.
1 Kings 20 14 Jun 2011 5 comments
20 Ben-hadad attacked Samaria. Israel defeated the Arameans twice. Ahab made a treaty with Ben-hadad so a prophet spoke against him.
1 Kings 21 15 Jun 2011 4 comments
21 Naboth would not sell his vineyard, so Jezebel had him killed. Elijah said to Ahab, "Dogs will lick up your blood and eat Jezebel."
1 Kings 22 16 Jun 2011 3 comments
22 Ahab and Jehoshaphat planned for war. Micaiah said, "I saw Israel scattered. Your prophets are lying." Ahab was killed in battle.

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