1 Kings 13
summarised in 140 characters or less
A man of God cried out against Jeroboam's altar. He disobeyed the LORD by eating at an old prophet's house and was killed by a lion.
Posted on 7 Jun 2011 to 19,514 followers, with 9 retweets.
Read 1 Kings 13 in full at Bible Gateway.
What a strange tale! I can't help but feel a bit sorry for the guy. He did disobey the LORD, but if you read the full chapter you find out that he was tricked by the old prophet. I guess you've got to be careful with these things!
i know poor him
maybe before he got tricked he did a very terrible thing to lord maybe
This story proves you need to trust the words of The Lord over those of man. The adversary has been twisting the Word of God since the beginning! If God's Word tells you something clearly, don't trust what any one says, especially if they claim to be interpreting Gods Word for you.
i know i feel so sorry for the guy.....
A reminder...... do whatever God says and beware of those who lie.
GOD is spirit..man is flesh.Always trust GOD HE is perfect HE knows what HE is doing and saying.Man is imperfect.Man can and will meds up.
When you heart is void of His Word, you will fall in these tricks. So the ground work to be done is in you. Fill your Heart with His Word and carry His name always in your lips and you will never be tricked by anyone. Believe me this is true Word.
I was reading this over, and I really feel bad for the mog. He truly did disobey but was tricked into doing it. But at the same time, he should've had wisdom. A note about this chapter, if someone tells you something that they claim to be true, and it contradicts God's word or what he said to you in the spirit, than don't believe it. It's a lie. The Lord is not gonna change his mind and you can't change his mind in anyway.

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These are the summaries of the book of 1 Kings.
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