Chapter Summaries of Ezekiel
Ezekiel 1 18 Oct 2012 2 comments
1 I saw visions of God. Out of a storm came four creatures. I saw wheels within wheels. Above them was a throne and the figure of a man.
Ezekiel 2 19 Oct 2012 2 comments
2 He said to me: "Son of man, stand up." The Spirit entered me. He said: "I send you to rebel Israel." Before me was a scroll of woe.
Ezekiel 3 20 Oct 2012 1 comment
3 He said to me: "Israel will not listen." I came to the exiles. The LORD said: "I have made you a watchman. I will open your mouth."
Ezekiel 4 21 Oct 2012 1 comment
4 "Son of man, take clay and draw Jerusalem. Then lie on your side. You shall bear the punishment of Israel. Cook your bread over dung."
Ezekiel 5 22 Oct 2012 1 comment
5 "Son of man, shave your head. Jerusalem has rebelled. A third shall die of famine, a third by the sword and a third I will scatter."
Ezekiel 6 23 Oct 2012 1 comment
6 "Son of man, prophesy against the mountains of Jerusalem. The slain shall lie among their idols. They will know that I am the LORD."
Ezekiel 7 24 Oct 2012 1 comment
7 "The end has come! I will punish you for all your abominations. Silver and gold cannot deliver. The people of the land will tremble."
Ezekiel 8 25 Oct 2012 1 comment
8 The Spirit lifted me up. "Son of man, see what they do. Elders burn incense to idols. Women weep for Tammuz. Men worship the sun."
Ezekiel 9 26 Oct 2012 1 comment
9 He cried, "Bring the executioners." Six men came. "Kill old and young, but do not touch those with the mark. I will not have pity."
Ezekiel 10 27 Oct 2012 1 comment
10 He told the man in linen: "Take fire from between the wheels." Each wheel had four faces. The glory of the LORD left the temple.
Ezekiel 11 28 Oct 2012 1 comment
11 The Spirit said: "These men plot evil." I said: "Will you destroy the remnant?" The LORD said: "I will put a new spirit within them."
Ezekiel 12 29 Oct 2012 1 comment
12 "Son of man, they are a rebellious house. Bring out your baggage like an exile. I will disperse them. My word will not be delayed."
Ezekiel 13 30 Oct 2012 1 comment
13 "Woe to the foolish prophets who follow their own spirit. I will send a storm in my wrath. Woe to the women who sew magic charms."
Ezekiel 14 31 Oct 2012 1 comment
14 The elders came to me. The LORD said: "They have set up idols in their hearts. Even Noah, Daniel and Job would only save themselves."
Ezekiel 15 1 Nov 2012 1 comment
15 "Son of man, is wood taken from the vine to make anything? I have given it to the fire for fuel. So I have given up Jerusalem."
Ezekiel 16 2 Nov 2012 1 comment
16 "Jerusalem, I made you flourish. But you played the whore. I will gather your lovers against you. Yet I will remember my covenant."
Ezekiel 17 3 Nov 2012 1 comment
17 "An eagle planted a vine but it grew towards another eagle. Israel rebelled against Babylon with Egypt. I myself will plant a cedar."
Ezekiel 18 4 Nov 2012 1 comment
18 "If a man is righteous, he shall live. If a son is violent, he shall die. I will judge each according to his ways. Repent and live!"
Ezekiel 19 5 Nov 2012 1 comment
19 "Lament for the princes of Israel: A lioness had cubs. One was taken to Egypt, another to Babylon. A vine was stripped of its fruit."
Ezekiel 20 6 Nov 2012 1 comment
20 "I led Israel out of Egypt. They did not walk in my law. I withheld my hand for my name's sake. You will know that I am the LORD."
Ezekiel 21 7 Nov 2012 1 comment
21 "Son of man, prophesy against Israel. A sword is sharpened! Mark the way for the king of Babylon. A ruin, ruin, ruin I will make it."
Ezekiel 22 8 Nov 2012 1 comment
22 "A city that sheds blood. In you they oppress orphans and widows. Israel has become dross to me. I will pour out my wrath upon them."
Ezekiel 23 9 Nov 2012 1 comment
23 "Two sisters: Samaria and Jerusalem. Oholah lusted after her lovers. Oholibah was worse in whoring. Bring an army and cut them down."
Ezekiel 24 10 Nov 2012 1 comment
24 "Put meat into the pot. Woe to the bloody city!" My wife died. The LORD said: "I will profane my sanctuary. Ezekiel will be a sign."
Ezekiel 25 11 Nov 2012 3 comments
25 "To the Ammonites: You jeered at Israel so I will destroy you. I will judge Moab. I will lay vengeance upon Edom and Philistia."
Ezekiel 26 12 Nov 2012 1 comment
26 "Tyre jeered at Jerusalem so I will make her a bare rock. Nebuchadnezzar will lay siege to you. I will bring you to a dreadful end."
Ezekiel 27 13 Nov 2012 1 comment
27 "Lament for Tyre: Of oaks they made your oars. Tarshish, Dedan, Judah and Damascus traded with you. Now you are wrecked by the seas."
Ezekiel 28 14 Nov 2012 1 comment
28 "To the king of Tyre: You were perfect in Eden. You became proud. I cast you to the ground. There will be no more thorns for Israel."
Ezekiel 29 15 Nov 2012 1 comment
29 "I am against you, Pharaoh, the great dragon. Egypt will never again rule the nations. Nebuchadnezzar will carry off its wealth."
Ezekiel 30 16 Nov 2012 1 comment
30 "A sword will come upon Egypt. Those who support her will fall. Nebuchadnezzar will destroy the land. I will break Pharaoh's arms."
Ezekiel 31 17 Nov 2012 1 comment
31 "Assyria was a cedar. It towered above the trees. Its heart was proud. Foreigners have cut it down. This is Pharaoh and his hordes."
Ezekiel 32 18 Nov 2012 1 comment
32 "Lament for Pharaoh: You are a dragon in the seas. The sword of Babylon will come upon you. Elam and Edom are laid with the slain."
Ezekiel 33 19 Nov 2012 1 comment
33 "Son of man, I have made you a watchman for Israel." Jerusalem was struck down. The LORD says: "I have made the land a desolation."
Ezekiel 34 20 Nov 2012 4 comments
34 "Woe to the shepherds of Israel! They did not feed my flock. I myself will seek my sheep. My servant David will be their shepherd."
Ezekiel 35 21 Nov 2012 1 comment
35 "Son of man, prophesy against Mount Seir: Because you delivered Israel to the sword, blood will pursue you. You will be desolate."
Ezekiel 36 22 Nov 2012 1 comment
36 "Prophesy to the mountains of Israel: I will make you inhabited again. I will vindicate my name. I will put my Spirit within you."
Ezekiel 37 23 Nov 2012 2 comments
37 The LORD said: "Prophesy to the bones." The bones became an army. The LORD said: "Join two sticks. I will join Ephraim and Judah."
Ezekiel 38 24 Nov 2012 2 comments
38 "Son of man, prophesy against Gog: You will come against my people. My jealousy will be roused. I will summon a sword against Gog."
Ezekiel 39 25 Nov 2012 1 comment
39 "I am against you, O Gog. I will give you a burial place in Israel. Gather the birds for a feast. Now I will have mercy on Jacob."
Ezekiel 40 26 Nov 2012 1 comment
40 In visions the LORD brought me to a temple. He brought me through the gates to the inner court. There were tables for the offerings.
Ezekiel 41 27 Nov 2012 1 comment
41 He measured the nave and the inner room. The side chambers were in three storeys. In front of the Holy Place was an altar of wood.
Ezekiel 42 28 Nov 2012 1 comment
42 He led me to the outer court. The north and south chambers are where the priests eat the offerings. He measured all the temple area.
Ezekiel 43 29 Nov 2012 1 comment
43 The glory of the LORD filled the temple. He said: "Son of man, describe the temple to Israel. The priests shall cleanse the altar."
Ezekiel 44 30 Nov 2012 1 comment
44 "No foreigner shall enter my sanctuary. The sons of Zadok shall minister to me. They shall distinguish between the holy and unholy."
Ezekiel 45 1 Dec 2012 1 comment
45 "Set apart a holy district for the LORD. The prince shall have land on each side. You shall have honest scales. Celebrate Passover."
Ezekiel 46 2 Dec 2012 2 comments
46 "The prince shall bring offerings on the Sabbaths and New Moons. You shall offer a lamb daily." In the four corners were kitchens.
Ezekiel 47 3 Dec 2012 3 comments
47 Water was flowing from the temple. He led me in until it was too deep to cross. The LORD says: "Divide the land among the tribes."
Ezekiel 48 4 Dec 2012 1 comment
48 "Set a portion for each tribe. Adjoining Judah shall be the portion for the LORD. The name of the city shall be, The LORD Is There."

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These are the summaries of the book of Ezekiel.
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