Chapter Summaries of Micah
Micah 1 17 Jan 2013 3 comments
1 The LORD is coming! The mountains will melt. "I will make Samaria a ruin." Her wound is incurable. Disaster has come to Jerusalem.
2 Woe to those who plot evil! The LORD says: "I am planning disaster. My people have risen up like an enemy. I will gather a remnant."
3 You rulers tear the skin from my people. The LORD says, "The sun will set for the prophets." Zion will be ploughed up like a field.
4 In the last days, nations will come to the mountain of the LORD. Zion will be rescued from Babylon. "I will give you horns of iron."
5 "From you, O Bethlehem, will come a ruler." The remnant of Jacob will be like a lion. "I will punish the nations that did not obey."
6 "O my people, have I wearied you?" What does the LORD require? Act justly and love mercy. "I will make you desolate for your sins."
Micah 7 23 Jan 2013 2 comments
7 The godly have perished from the earth. But I will look to the LORD. The nations will tremble. Who is a God like you, forgiving sin?

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These are the summaries of the book of Micah.
They are written to help you understand and remember what's going on in the chapter, but they're no substitute for reading the Bible for yourself.
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