Chapter Summaries of Ecclesiastes
Ecclesiastes 1 28 May 2012 1 comment
1 Everything is meaningless! There is nothing new under the sun. I applied my heart to know wisdom, but much wisdom brings much sorrow.
Ecclesiastes 2 29 May 2012 1 comment
2 I built houses, gathered possessions and sought pleasure. It was meaningless! The wise die like the foolish. I despaired of my toil.
Ecclesiastes 3 30 May 2012 1 comment
3 There is a time for everything: to live, to die, to mourn, to dance. It is the gift of God that man should find pleasure in his work.
Ecclesiastes 4 31 May 2012 3 comments
4 I saw the tears of the oppressed. Two have a good reward for their toil. I saw everyone follow a new king. This too is meaningless!
Ecclesiastes 5 1 Jun 2012 1 comment
5 Do not make rash vows before God. The lover of money never has enough. What is gained by toil? It is good to find enjoyment in life.
Ecclesiastes 6 2 Jun 2012 1 comment
6 Here is an evil: to have wealth and honour but not to enjoy them. What do the wise gain over fools? The more words, the less meaning.
Ecclesiastes 7 3 Jun 2012 2 comments
7 The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning. Do not be too righteous, or too wicked. Men have gone in search of many schemes.
Ecclesiastes 8 4 Jun 2012 2 comments
8 Obey the king's command. Though sinners do evil, it will be well for those who fear God. No one can know what goes on under the sun.
Ecclesiastes 9 5 Jun 2012 1 comment
9 The same fate comes to all. A living dog is better than a dead lion. Enjoy the days of your vain life. Wisdom is better than strength.
Ecclesiastes 10 6 Jun 2012 1 comment
10 A little folly spoils wisdom. Whoever digs a pit will fall into it. The lips of a fool consume him. Through laziness the roof leaks.
Ecclesiastes 11 7 Jun 2012 1 comment
11 Whoever watches the clouds will never reap. You do not know what will prosper. Enjoy your youth, but know that God will judge you.
Ecclesiastes 12 8 Jun 2012 2 comments
12 Remember your Creator in your youth, before the days of trouble come. Everything is meaningless! Fear God and keep his commandments.

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These are the summaries of the book of Ecclesiastes.
They are written to help you understand and remember what's going on in the chapter, but they're no substitute for reading the Bible for yourself.
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