Exodus 31
summarised in 140 characters or less
I have filled Bezalel with the Spirit of God, with skill to make everything I have commanded. The seventh day is a Sabbath of rest.
Posted on 27 Oct 2010 to 15,850 followers, with 23 retweets.
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@biblesummary This is a great chapter - so much going on!
I always find it interesting the way it emphasises the Sabbath being a sign between the Lord and Israel in perpetuity, a covenant... It's holy to you, it's holy to me... Hmm, I'd like to write a study project on the Sabbath!
Also, something I've never seen before... There's a lovely parallel between Bezalel, at the beginning of the chapter, filled with the Spirit to make artistic designs, to "cut and set stones" and the two tablets of stone "inscribed by the finger of God". It's bookended by the creative acts of the Spirit!
Perhaps we can also see this parallel in the way it talks about the Sabbath reflecting God's creative act and subsequent rest(v.17)? There are *two* craftsmen in this chapter...
I've been surprised by how often the Sabbath is reiterated in Exodus.
I had to choose between mentioning 'the Spirit of God' or the other craftsmen in the summary. I was disappointed not to mention the others (particularly Oholiab) but I think it's the first time anyone is said to have been "filled with the Spirit" so I definitely wanted to get that in.
Yes indeed!
I guess I should have said *three* craftsmen... or more... Forgot about Oholiab (don't we all? :)
Oh, I was being very slow - my head was full of having left out Oholiab so I've only just realised what you meant. (I don't know how I missed it - you couldn't really have been clearer.)
That's a lovely parallel!
If only we were more sensitive about the ability the Spirit of God has given each of us and then use it for His glory.
yo what would i do without this website

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