Genesis 1
summarised in 140 characters or less
God created the heavens, the earth and everything that lives. He made humankind in his image, and gave them charge over the earth.
Posted on 8 Aug 2010 to 0 followers, with 131 retweets.
Read Genesis 1 in full at Bible Gateway.
@biblesummary If it helps, try using shorthand, e.g. & rather than and - saves a few characters!
It may come to that! But I'm going to try to use full English as much as possible. I'm a glutton for punishment!
I can't help but wonder, as you are a Developer, if you haven't simply automated these tweets. Are you really typing scripture manually or is this just programmed? No matter to me...
@biblesummary Wow! #veryinteresting
This is really awesome. I just signed up to follow you on Twitter after following a link from FoxNews. All glory to GOD. :-)
Kevin - yes, I'm typing a new summary each morning!
@biblesummary God bless your heart. You're doing a great evangelistic job. Keep it up!
Great Idea Chris. But you know not always can one take the Bible literally. It is veiled and many chapters are set in correspondences. Like Genesis 1. Logically Gen 1 is confusing. The real meaning was given to us by Jesus in a revelation. If you are interested send a blank e-mail to "genesis1 at
thank you so much this helped me with my assignment
@biblesummary yes it helps me remember the story
I am student of Bible School, and one of my requirements is to pass a summary of the Old Testament, And when i red this summary of yours i was impressed. Thank You and God Bless you more!
Hi This is Sam Here, I was So happy seeing this coz I can't ready bible coz my reading is very poor but its very interesting.... when i started this was so help ful to me.........
thank you very much
God Bless You....
@biblesummary Thank you for making a summary because it really helps me in my assignments, work and activity in the school when its about the bible :) the summary really helps me,it makes the bible easier to understand :) thank you so much!!:))
Rock on
Needed to cover Exodus to Deut by tonight for my Bible Study Group tomorrow and I am so pleased to have found you! Thanks for making the task easier! I am sure your summaries have led many to understand the Bible faster and clearer. God Bless You.
thank you for that because it's short paraghraph my write
Thank you for creating such an excellent summary of the entire Bible! Check out
It covers only the first 5 books, but provides images and analysis, which people find very helpful.
I am so glad that God made us all.
To me Revelation is quite hard to follow, but Genesis is ok.
It help me a lot
God is the Father of us all who accept and believe in Him. But, also, he is the Creator of heaven and earth. He created the heaven and earth and everything that lived. How great God is to make mankind in His image? Then God gave man charge over the earth. God is an awesome God whom we serve and love because He first loved us. I am truly blessed to serve, love, and know God the Father of the entire universe.
This is such a blessing!!!!
Beautifully done! I am very happy to have found this!
Glory to God!!!!!
add more words
Soon Ragnarok will begin and all Christians will be swept up in the destruction of the world and I will be fighting for the Aesir and for Odinn himself. DEATH TO ALL JOTONS
Just found this site - thanks for this amazing reference tool.
Starting my journey through the Bible Jan 1, 2016. Looking forward to reading the summary and the comments.
the summary help me too
Can't believe how legit this is, the thorough detail throughout the website and more important the technical accuracy of this page is up to scratch. Furthermore I can also listen to this motivation and enlightening biblical stories, in a summary, through my Amazon echo with my grandmother Alexa Trevor
God is my Monday motivation
Love you all
May god bless you on this fine day
Thanks Alexi Trevor, that's great to hear!
It really helped me thanks
I cannot understand how people believe such a crap! When the text say in his image, what image this is referring to? Physical image or intelligence? For, humans have similar physical body as other animals - eyes, ears, feet, hands, penis, blood (same color as human's)... etc.
Not physical body, no. Perhaps having rational agency and the capacity for love.
What I saw: God created...And the Spirit of God hovered over the deep. God said...And it was so...And God saw that it was good!
Thank you!!!! Really helps me with my studying â¤ï¸ To God be the Glory 🙌
Just found the project and it is assisting with my Bible summary mindmap. Well done. Simply put Genesis 1 God created everything that exists! Awesome!
I needed this! thanks!
the creation of the universe and stages order of the solar system
thanks a lot it really helped me
I love mvsic
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