Website - p1

Website Update

November 8th marked ten years since I completed the Bible Summary project. I'll have more to say about that at some point soon, but I've just published a significant update to the website, so that first...

I've been working on this new version of the website for ages. These things never seem to get finished. There's still quite a bit I need to improve and fix, but the old website had got so broken that this beta version is now a considerable improvement. It's now mobile-friendly, the email and comments forms work again, and I've removed the broken Twitter login.


One million visits!

Sometime in the past month, the Bible Summary website received its one millionth visit. That seems extraordinary to me!

The website has been fairly dormant over recent months as I've focussed on other projects (and moving house) but I've got plans brewing for further developments.

Bible Summary is obviously no longer a live pilgrimage, but hundreds of people still use the website every day as a reference. I think a redesign is in order to make the site better suited to the new purpose.

I have a number of things that I know I need to improve - not least dedicated versions of the website for the 29% of visitors using mobile phones and 14% of visitors using tablets. But I'm also open to suggestions.

If you have ideas about what I should include in the redesign, or opinions about how the site works at the moment, please feel to comment on this post or to contact me.

I've also managed to get hold of the domain name and I'm contemplating a move. I'd be interested in your thoughts about that as well.

Thanks for visiting!

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I recently discovered that the website's non-Twitter comment form was broken. Apologies if you tried to post anything! All fixed now.

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Twitter Cards

I've just had word from Twitter that Bible Summary has been approved for Twitter Cards.

"What's a Twitter Card?" I hear you very reasonably ask. It's a preview box that automatically appears on Twitter when you post a link to certain types of content. (For example, when you post a link to a YouTube video on Twitter, the video appears underneath the tweet.)

Starting today, if you post a link to a Bible Summary chapter on Twitter - e.g. - the summary will automatically appear under your tweet.

Try it!

So if you're tweeting about a chapter of the Scripture, why not link to a summary for context? Just find the chapter at the Bible Summary website and copy the URL into your tweet.

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New Kindle eBooks

I've just released the History Books and the Wisdom Books for Kindle. Complete sections of Scripture in summary form for easy reference!

Bible Summary: The History Books

The History Books

Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings, 1 & 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther

Kindle eBook. Buy from,

Bible Summary: The Wisdom Books

The Wisdom Books

Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs

Kindle eBook. Buy from,

See the eBooks page for more.

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Bible Summary on YouTube

I've set up a YouTube account for Bible Summary. I'll be using it to post spoken word videos of whole books.

For example, here's the book of Ruth...

I'm excited about taking the summaries to another medium. It's quite a different experience hearing them as well as reading them.

Let me know what you think. And do subscribe to the biblesummary channel!

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You may have noticed that the website is looking slightly different...

In anticipation of reaching the half-way point in a couple of weeks, I decided it was time to freshen up the design.

The layout is similar, and the functionality is basically the same, but I've tried to simplify things and create a better overall effect.

As always with these things, I'll likely still be fiddling with details over the coming days.

Do say if you spot anything that's not working. I've designed for the latest browsers, so there may well be issues in older versions.

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Facebook Timeline

I've updated the Bible Summary Facebook page to the new 'Timeline' layout. Have a look and see what you think.

If you click 'Like' you'll get the summaries on your Facebook feed each day.

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Favourites and retweets

If you have a Twitter account, you can now retweet or 'favourite' any summary directly from this website.

Go to an individual chapter page (e.g. Genesis 1 or Psalm 1) and use the icons beneath the summary.

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Chris Juby

I summarised all 1,189 chapters of the Bible on Twitter - one tweet per chapter, one chapter per day for over three years.

Click ☰Summaries above to view the archive.

Find out about the project here, you can buy the Bible Summary book on Kindle or in paperback, and feel free to get in contact if you have any comments or questions.

The Bible Summary Book

All the summaries in a paperback book or on Kindle.

Buy from Amazon