Links - p2

Digital Bible Survey

Tim Hutchings from the Open University is conducting some very interesting research on the impact of reading the Bible on screen rather than on paper.

If you've ever used a digital Bible, you can help by filling in his survey.

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Here's a great project. Steve Holmes - a lecturer in theology at St Andrews - is tweeting a body of systematic theology at @twystematics.

For example, most recently:

It will be fascinating to see how this turns out! I'm anticipating the theology equivalent of Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.

You can find out more at

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Some #ff

Two interesting Twitter accounts that I've come across in the last couple of weeks:

@Bible_Haiku - like Bible Summary but in haiku form! Currently on Genesis 39.

@tweetechism - tweeting through the Heidelberg Catechism.

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@TweetTheBible86 and Mashable

Bible Summary has been mentioned on Mashable again, in a post about a new project to tweet the whole Bible, a verse a day.

Yes, the folks at @TweetTheBible86 are making my 3.5 years look easy. Their project will take 86!

Of course, they do have the advantage of just pasting the verses as they are (rather than writing an original summary each day), but it's still an ambitious undertaking!

If you like the idea of @TweetTheBible86 but would prefer a quicker pace, you can follow @BibleBird, who are in the middle of tweeting a verse every 20 minutes.

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Word Bible Designs

I've only just stumbled upon the Word project - right as it's finishing!

Graphic designer Jim LePage was looking for a way to discipline his Bible reading (sounds familiar!) and hit upon the idea of producing an original design for each book of the Bible - one a week for 66 weeks. He's only got Revelation left to go!

It's great work, and well worth a look.

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The keener-eyed among you may have noticed that I've changed my 'full chapter' links to point to

I've been looking for a Bible site with fewer adverts for a while now, so that's the main reason for the change. But it looks like the eBible team have interesting plans for the future as well. I'd recommend checking them out!

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New Year #ff

Some Twitter accounts worth following for the New Year:

Gerard Kelly posts beautiful tweet-length devotional prayers.

BibleFresh is an intitiative in 2011 to get people engaged with Scripture.

Three guys who are a few months ahead of me summarising the Bible.

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The guys at @natwivity are gearing up for their Twitter re-enactment of the Christmas story.

They've started - appropriately enough - with a call from "Emperor Augustwus" to respond to the census at

The show starts Dec 1.

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Interview with BIGBible

BIGBible have just published a video interview that I did with with Pete Phillips last week.

It was great to have a bit longer to explain the project and reflect on how it's going.

The BIGBible Project itself is well worth checking out, so do follow the link above and explore!

PS. Many thanks to Pete for sparing my blushes by editing out a mis-attributed reference (I confused my Victorian literary classics).

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Older Newer

Chris Juby

I summarised all 1,189 chapters of the Bible on Twitter - one tweet per chapter, one chapter per day for over three years.

Click ☰Summaries above to view the archive.

Find out about the project here, you can buy the Bible Summary book on Kindle or in paperback, and feel free to get in contact if you have any comments or questions.

The Bible Summary Book

All the summaries in a paperback book or on Kindle.

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