Romans 14
summarised in 140 characters or less
Accept those who are weak in faith. Everything is clean but it is wrong to cause anyone to stumble. Whatever is not of faith is sin.
Posted on 2 Jul 2013 to 28,137 followers, with 18 retweets.
Read Romans 14 in full at Bible Gateway.
in the 14th chapter of Romans, who is Paul writing to, the Jews or the Gentiles(Romans)
Interesting question, john. I've always read it that he's addressing the whole Roman church. But I suppose he may have a particular section of it in mind given that he's been talking at length about the role of national Israel.
V 11 ‘“As surely as I live,†says the Lord,
“Every knee will bow before me;
every tongue will acknowledge God.â€â€™
V 12 So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God.
In the end of our time on earth we are accountable to God and God alone.

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