Psalm 37
summarised in 140 characters or less
Do not be envious of evildoers, for they will fade like the grass. The righteous will inherit the earth. The LORD is their stronghold.
Posted on 4 Jan 2012 to 21,368 followers, with 41 retweets.
Read Psalms 37 in full at Bible Gateway.
I would love to take advantage of knowing more about the bible broken down or summarized. the bible is so interesting and I love the LORD.
Encouraging christian to be righteous
In these troubling times the Lord is still in control and we are called on to simply not fret, trust, take delight, commit, be still, turn from evil, do good and always hope.
How does God reveal himself in this passage would you say?
@Perusamus Maximus - I'd say the main message of the psalm is that we live wiser and less anxious lives if we trust God. So God is revealed as trustworthy, as caring for us, as calling us to live holy lives, as being above all human schemes and power.
But there's always so much in Scripture, so you might come up with other things.
this is beautiful

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