Numbers 5
summarised in 140 characters or less
Anyone who sins shall make restitution and add a fifth. If a man suspects his wife of unfaithfulness he shall take her to the priest.
Posted on 7 Dec 2010 to 16,487 followers, with 9 retweets.
Read Numbers 5 in full at Bible Gateway.
Read the full chapter for the quite unusual method the priest would use for determining whether or not the suspected wife was guilty.
The test consisted of the suspected wife drinking bitter waters... water, temple dust and ink to prove her faithfulness or unfaithfulness. Thank the Lord, all sin is under the blood and open to His forgiveness.... Today there is no need to drink bitter waters...
Wait, did the Bible just give abortion instructions?
Hi Alex, no, the idea is that the woman becomes infertile if she has committed adultery. Still a difficult passage for contemporary readers.

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