Numbers 31
summarised in 140 characters or less
The LORD told Moses to take vengeance on the Midianites. The Israelites killed the men, burned their cities and divided the spoils.
Posted on 2 Jan 2011 to 16,843 followers, with 11 retweets.
Read Numbers 31 in full at Bible Gateway.
Interesting to note, signifying the Lords protection... V49 .... Your servants have counted the soldiers under our command and not one of them is missing.
Moses also ordered to kill kids, not just men. How do you feel about that?
Hi Juls, I find those kinds of passages very unsettling. I've read a number of different approaches for how to interpret the 'texts of terror', but most of all I'm very glad not live in that culture.
Some of those "spoils" were thousands of virgin girls. Try to guess what all those soldiers did with those girls?
knowing the world history, reading the bible is just like reading history so we can quickly connect the dots, wicked lord and god.

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