Matthew 4
summarised in 140 characters or less
Jesus was tempted by Satan in the wilderness. He called Peter, Andrew, James and John to follow him. He preached and healed the sick.
Posted on 25 Feb 2013 to 27,042 followers, with 12 retweets.
Read Matthew 4 in full at Bible Gateway.
hi, I really think you should put mor connection between sentences in your summarys. Doing this would make them all go together and make sense.
sorry, i men't more
There must be more details
Jesus used Scripture to battle Satan’s temptation, not some elaborate spiritual power inaccessible to us. Jesus fought this battle as fully man, and He drew on no “special resources” unavailable to us. “Out flashed the sword of the Spirit: our Lord will fight with no other weapon. He could have spoken new revelations, but chose to say, ‘It is written.'” (Spurgeon)

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These are the summaries of the book of Matthew.
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