Matthew 1
summarised in 140 characters or less
The record of Jesus Christ, son of David, son of Abraham. Mary bore a son by the Holy Spirit. An angel told Joseph to name him Jesus.
Posted on 22 Feb 2013 to 27,027 followers, with 18 retweets.
Read Matthew 1 in full at Bible Gateway.
a little more detail please
thank u
How can i apply in the ministry and affect to the relationship of the people? This Matthew 1 summary?
thanks maybe a bit more detail
What do this all mean ti you!
What your name
Yes I agree with holly
The purpose for Immanuel (God with us) coming to earth in human form is found in V 21 and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.’
July 2002, Waz dying ov pseudomonas. Weakly, I prayed to Jesus not to save me but to forgive me. Diddent think I waz worthy ov saving.
He sat on the rite side ov my hosp bed, lifted my rite hand twixt his, patted the top ov my hand and said, "Fred, I love yu and I will make yu well," (This iz 2018!)
Will describe more in detail if asked.
It seems to just be people fathering others...

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