Malachi 3
summarised in 140 characters or less
"My messenger will prepare the way. I will come to judge. You have robbed me of tithes. The LORD will remember those who serve him."
Posted on 20 Feb 2013 to 27,008 followers, with 9 retweets.
Read Malachi 3 in full at Bible Gateway.
NIV Verse 17 ‘On the day when I act,’ says the Lord Almighty, ‘they will be my treasured possession. (KJV) Jewels...... we are called to be His jewels in this world and sparkle for Him.
Its sad but I have been studying the book of Malachi for years than any of book in the bible. The reason is because I am a firm believer that the word "Rob" is taught out of context based on the original Hebrew. Yes it might mean Rob in the figurative but not in the literal. You can't rob was is already God's. The Word Rob "kavah" means to be dubious or to cover (hide). Yes Rob figuratively but what has been rob from God. Based the the whole book of Malachi it was his GLORY of His Name. Tithes and offerings was to go to the Priests and Levites for the serves of the tabernacle or temple were our God dwelt and where the sacrifices were to be performed for all of Israel. Food was so important because we can't live without food which sustains and give vitamins and nutrients so our bodies can live. The tithes and offerings was because the Priest and Levites had no inheritance. I really believe that the word Rob should be studied much deeper than how the traditionalist or the prosperity gospel teach. Give me your thoughts, Thanks Brother Thompson

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These are the summaries of the book of Malachi.
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