Job 39
summarised in 140 characters or less
"Do you mark when the deer is born? Will the wild ox serve you? Do you give the horse his might? Does the hawk fly by your wisdom?"
Posted on 25 Nov 2011 to 20,862 followers, with 10 retweets.
Read Job 39 in full at Bible Gateway.
One could miss the answer that the Lord gives to Job....
The Lord himself is the answer - He has everything in control, even Job's situation.
Are we greater than a God? Are we able to do the mighty works of God, from whence comeeth wisdom without being empowered by to do so by the Almighty God?
Job has gotten on my last nerve lol
So happy God finally breaks it down for him. He seemed to search for answers everywhere but with God himself 💆ðŸ¾â€â™€ï¸

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These are the summaries of the book of Job.
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