Job 2
summarised in 140 characters or less
Satan struck Job with boils. Job's wife told him to curse God. But Job did not sin. Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar came to comfort him.
Posted on 19 Oct 2011 to 20,327 followers, with 12 retweets.
Read Job 2 in full at Bible Gateway.
Satan was now directly, personally attacking Job but V 10 ... In all this, Job did not sin in what he said.
Satan frappe Job d'un ulcère. Sa femme lui dire de maudire Dieu. Mais Job ne pêche pas. Eliphaz, Bildad et Tsophar viennent pour le réconforter.
Dieu répète que Job est intègre et le livre à Satan qui doit cependant épargner sa vie. Il le frappe d'un ulcère, pourtant Job reste fidèle à Dieu. Trois amis veulent venir voir Job, plein de compassion. Ils ne le reconnaissent pas tout de suite et pleurent car sa douleur est grande.

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These are the summaries of the book of Job.
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