Genesis 45
summarised in 140 characters or less
Joseph told his brothers who he was. They were afraid, but he told them, "God sent me here." His brothers went to fetch their father.
Posted on 21 Sep 2010 to 15,067 followers, with 22 retweets.
Read Genesis 45 in full at Bible Gateway.
One of my favorite chapters of the Bible!
ME TOO!!!!
also me
Never noticed the part about Joseph telling his brothers not to quarrel on the way back. Some things never change. Lol.
I needed this for schoole. PERFECT
Sorry guys but God isn't real. Look into this thing called common sense
That's a rather sweeping statement, Chunko. I think you'll find that many of the greatest thinkers in history have believed in God. How would you account for that?
Family first
get tf outa here
A family reunion.
Joseph asks the brothers to move their father and all the family to Egypt and Pharaoh approves....
I need this for school also! I did not provide me with tho needed information

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