Genesis 32
summarised in 140 characters or less
Jacob heard that Esau was coming to meet him. He was afraid and sent gifts. That night he wrestled with a man who renamed him Israel.
Posted on 8 Sep 2010 to 14,629 followers, with 30 retweets.
Read Genesis 32 in full at Bible Gateway.
I've used 'man' for the one Jacob wrestles with because that's what's actually in the text.
Within the chapter Jacob says "I saw God face to face" and in Hosea 12 it says "he struggled with an angel" so there's definitely more going on, but one of my principles for summarising is to only include what is explicitly in the text.
There are quite a few of these ambiguous encounters in Genesis. I think I need to write a longer post about it...
You're doing a great job at keeping it about the text itself Chris, stripping everything back to the Bible itself. Keep going!
Like it. Let's have more ambiguous encounters! We need more 'mystery'...
Sends a shiver down my spine!
Maybe a little more detail like why Esau was meeting Jacob.
Dear Chris,
Please use "Angel". "Man" is a wrong translation. The Bible says that God will curse you for changing the His words knowingly. Are you knowingly doing this?
You must understand that there are HUNDREDS of bible translations, but the KJV1611 is a special text. And you should know this...
But many bible translations have been tampered with by New Age and Mystery Religion people who hate God's word.
Please change it back to ANGEL.
I am a scholar of God's word, and I know that YOU are 100% wrong on this one.
Sorry to be so hard, but if no one defends scripture then nothing will ever get done.
@Holocausts/Inquisitions - Thanks for your interest in the summary. I sympathise with your point. I outlined my own reservations about the summary in the first comment above.
But I have to disagree with you about 'man' being a mistranslation. Every translation of this verse on uses the word 'man', including the KJV. That's a lot of Biblical scholars against you on this one!
'Man' 'Angel'
it doesn't really matter as long as we know the real meaning of the verse and know what God is trying to get to us...
How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word. (Psalm 119:9 NIV)
I think it is silly how you are just trying to prove that you are right and not actually taking in the word😕
And I'm only 13...... @Holocausts/ Inquisitions the LORD will not curse any one for doing this he said he was going off the bible and that it dose not actually say angel to later so.... I think you guys should read your bible more
The chapter is also called half way through 'Jacob Wrestles With God'
@Holocausts/ Inquisitions read your bible and pray everyday,
Hebrews 4:12 ESV / 22
For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
Jacob followed Gods direction and headed home with great fear of meeting Esau, sending gifts ahead of himself. He wrestled all night seeking a blessing. His name was changed from Jacob to Israel.
Jacob likely had good reason to fear Esau, but to fight with a man-angel and be wounded by him with a life-long remembrance of the night his name was changed....
Makes me wonder how the current day fighting in Israel relates to Jacob's descendants (wish I knew the history).

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