Genesis 30
summarised in 140 characters or less

Rachel's maid had sons for Jacob, then Leah's maid, then Leah. Finally Rachel had a son. Laban allowed Jacob flocks as wages to stay.

Posted on 6 Sep 2010 to 14,296 followers, with 24 retweets.

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hi my name is Emily and i am doing Bible Study everyday.can you summarize the chapters not in a simple form but include the important part that involves both the characters and your opinion.
May God Bless You



NO keep it simple, I am a kindergarden teacher that needs to keep it simple for the kids!


Hi! It's me again... just wanted to say may God bless you and i hope you have a great day full of joy! ;)


Gods promise continues.... Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and now Joseph.


It would be nice if you went in more depth with your summaries. You don't have to go all out with it but just be more specific instead of stating it very bluntly. It would be very nice, thank you.


Emily and Gertrude, if you want an easy and a detailed bible summary go to totally history. It gives you both want you want.

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Chris Juby

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