Deuteronomy 5
summarised in 140 characters or less
The LORD made his covenant with us: Have no other gods; Keep the Sabbath; Honour your parents. You shall do all that he has commanded.
Posted on 12 Jan 2011 to 16,992 followers, with 20 retweets.
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An even more abbreviated summary of the Ten Commandments (see Exodus 20). This time I went for the ones that are most elaborated on.
My rationale for that was that the main purpose of this chapter is to remind the Israelites of the need for obedience to the covenant. I needed to get that emphasis.
As always, do feel free to post what you think I should have done below.
really short
A reminder that the 10 Commandments were given for us....3 It was not with our ancestors[a] that the Lord made this covenant, but with us, with all of us who are alive here today.

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These are the summaries of the book of Deuteronomy.
They are written to help you understand and remember what's going on in the chapter, but they're no substitute for reading the Bible for yourself.
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