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Exodus 1-12 - The Israelites in Egypt

It's time to resurrect the Bible Summary YouTube channel! Here's the first instalment of Exodus...

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Time to start again?

It's four years to the day since I posted my summary of Genesis 1!

That tweet kicked off a huge chain of opportunities which has ended up - among other things - with me writing a Bible Handbook for a major Christian publishing house. I can still hardly believe it!

Now that I've finished the intense work of writing my @BibleIntro book, I'm thinking a lot more about what to do with Bible Summary itself. I talked about some of my ideas here last month.

One thing that I didn't say was that I'm wondering about posting from the @BibleSummary Twitter account again. I'm interested in your thoughts about that.

In the first instance I would be re-posting the whole Bible Summary project from the beginning (which is actually already underway via @BibleGateway), but I'm also wondering about commenting on the project there as well.

When I was planning Bible Summary the first time I definitely didn't want to use the Twitter account for replies and comments. I wanted to keep the focus squarely on engaging with Scripture, I wanted to avoid the temptation of self-promotion, and I liked the idea of finishing with an account with exactly 1,189 tweets (the same number as chapters in the Bible). So that's what I did!

But I quickly realised that I had cut myself off from the social aspect of the medium that I was using. And when the medium is social media, that a pretty fundamental loss!

I've also come to realise that, although there's a pleasing purity in having this account with exactly 1,189 tweets, there's a risk that I'm communicating that I think I've written the definitive set of notes on each chapter of Scripture. And that's certainly not what I think at all!

I'm very conscious of the weaknesses and limitations of some of the summaries. One of the attractions of re-posting the project is that it would give me an opportunity to work through the summaries and revise and tweak them. I wouldn't be under pressure to write a new summary each day (and only one per day) so I could pay much more attention to ensuring consistency of flow and style.

I'm actually quite excited about the prospect of a revision. But I'm cautious because I don't want to undermine the distinctive vision of the project by reactivating the account.

I would very much appreciate any wisdom or opinions you might have. Should I start again? Or would that take away from what I've already done?

Please share your thoughts either by commenting on this post, or by commenting over on Facebook.


Read the Bible for yourself!

My latest guest post is up at the Bible Gateway blog:

I talk about some of the things that I found surprising as I summarised the first six books of the Bible, about some of the comments I get about the project, and I mention this video of Chinese Christians receiving Bibles for the first time:

What's stopping you from reading more of the Bible today?


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Chris Juby

I summarised all 1,189 chapters of the Bible on Twitter - one tweet per chapter, one chapter per day for over three years.

Click ☰Summaries above to view the archive.

Find out about the project here, you can buy the Bible Summary book on Kindle or in paperback, and feel free to get in contact if you have any comments or questions.

The Bible Summary Book

All the summaries in a paperback book or on Kindle.

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