I've written a book!

Things have been quiet here at the Bible Summary website. That's partly because I've been moving house. And partly because I've been finishing my @BibleIntro book!

I sent the final @BibleIntro manuscript to the publishers last Thursday - a day ahead of my deadline. (If only I had been that disciplined with writing at university!) The book is with an editor as we speak.

I'm pleased with what I've come up with. For each book of the Bible I give a short introduction, the key characters, a key passage, summaries of the key chapters and some thoughts towards applying the message of the book to life.

The book is currently due to be released early 2015. I'll keep you posted here. And do follow the @BibleIntro Twitter account for all the latest.

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Chris Juby

I summarised all 1,189 chapters of the Bible on Twitter - one tweet per chapter, one chapter per day for over three years.

Click ☰Summaries above to view the archive.

Find out about the project here, you can buy the Bible Summary book on Kindle or in paperback, and feel free to get in contact if you have any comments or questions.

The Bible Summary Book

All the summaries in a paperback book or on Kindle.

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