Life after Bible Summary
It's almost three months since I finished Bible Summary. That's hard to believe!
Life with a young family and work opportunities have quickly swallowed up the morning slot that I used to spend reading and summarising. I can't think how I ever managed to fit it in now!
I still connect with Scripture most days (especially as my son always asks for some pages from the Jesus Storybook Bible before bed at the moment) but I do need to find a more regular pattern for my personal reading. It feels very strange to say that.
The project itself is still surprisingly full of life. There aren't many days that go by without someone getting in touch with comments, questions or ideas. The website gets ever more visitors. And the finished Twitter account still gets new followers and retweets every day.
My partnership with Bible Gateway is going well. They're up to Genesis 36 at @biblegateway. I enjoy seeing the updates every day, and it was great to contribute a first guest post to their blog a couple of weeks ago.
There's a good amount of interest in the Kindle version of Bible Summary. So much so that I'm looking into the possibility of releasing it through other channels, potentially even as an actual paper-and-ink book. (Do let me know if you'd be keen on a print version - the more people ask for it, the more I'm likely to make it happen.)
Beyond that, I've been doing some writing for RBC Ministries about my experiences with the project, which I'll say more about in due course.
And I've also begun work on a new Bible Summary-related project for Authentic Media. Again, I'll say more later, but I'm excited to be coming back to the question of how to encourage engagement with Scripture.
Lots happening!
More than ever I am incredibly grateful for all your interest in the project.
@biblesummary We (I, for one) need Biblesummary in an ink-and-paper version. :)
@ElmerEscoto Thanks for the comment. I'll let you know if I go ahead...
This site has helped me in so many ways with my biblical theology course, you have no idea! Something about reading the stories online makes it easier for me to comprehend and make it through the long texts!
@Meredith I'm glad to hear, thanks for commenting! I use the site as a reference like that myself.
Beautiful project. I'm impressed with your summaries.
@Carolina Thanks very much!

I summarised all 1,189 chapters of the Bible on Twitter - one tweet per chapter, one chapter per day for over three years.
Click ☰Summaries above to view the archive.
Find out about the project here, you can buy the Bible Summary book on Kindle or in paperback, and feel free to get in contact if you have any comments or questions.
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