On ITV Tyne Tees

Kenny Toal from ITV Tyne Tees interviewed me for a piece on Bible Summary yesterday, which went out on the local news this evening.

Here's the video.

I was in the Northern Echo again this week too. They've been great supporters of the project. And the story was picked up in the local free paper which went though every door in Durham today.

I've gained 150 followers since this morning. Thanks for your interest!

UPDATE Mar 1: Looks like I'm in the Church Times too.

Tags: press video



@biblesummary What a wonderful thing you are doing. Blessings...

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Chris Juby

I summarised all 1,189 chapters of the Bible on Twitter - one tweet per chapter, one chapter per day for over three years.

Find out about the project here, you can buy the Bible Summary book on Kindle or in paperback, and feel free to get in contact if you have any comments or questions.

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