1 Samuel 29
summarised in 140 characters or less
David and his men marched with Achish. The Philistine commanders said, "He will turn against us," so Achish told David to go back.
Posted on 29 Apr 2011 to 18,898 followers, with 7 retweets.
Read 1 Samuel 29 in full at Bible Gateway.
why are there summerys so short im trying to use them to make my life easer in my bible class at evans high school 30809 evans GA and these thing just dont cut it
Hi clay - the summaries had to be short enough to fit in a single tweet. That's 140 characters or less. All the best for your studies!
David identifies with the godless Philistines, so much so that he questions why he can not go and fight against God's people. He has fallen a long way from God.

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These are the summaries of the book of 1 Samuel.
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