1 Samuel 19
summarised in 140 characters or less
Jonathan warned David about Saul. David escaped and fled to Samuel. Saul went after David but the Spirit of God made him prophesy.
Posted on 19 Apr 2011 to 18,635 followers, with 6 retweets.
Read 1 Samuel 19 in full at Bible Gateway.
I was disappointed not to give full credit to David's wife Michal in this chapter. She helps David escape by letting him down out of a window and then putting a dummy topped with hair in his bed to make it look like he's still sleeping - thereby inventing an entire genre of fiction.
I'd also like to note the very peculiar use of prophecy at the end of the chapter - as some kind of stun weapon! Three sets of messengers and Saul himself are all waylaid by the Spirit of God putting them into a prophetic frenzy. Remarkable!
I agree with your comment! I didn't know anything about Michal until I read your comment, and that is quite interesting!
Assisted by his wife Michal, David fled to Samuel, one who would give him Godly advice.

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