1 Chronicles 21
summarised in 140 characters or less
Satan led David to count the Israelites. God sent a plague and a destroying angel. David bought Ornan's field and made offerings.
Posted on 1 Aug 2011 to 19,478 followers, with 11 retweets.
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The story of this chapter is the same as 2 Samuel 24 but there are a few key differences. Most notably, here it's Satan who incites David to count the Israelites - one of the few times Satan is mentioned by name in the Old Testament.
The bible is way better than this,like cause this summary doesn't give u what u should know more I'm dun using this boom and bye thx for nothing
I thin that u two are just complaining for no good reason,Sophie reamember this is a summary ok who cares if there is not much things written here just think mkay bye.
David's own sin, he did what satan wanted him to do.

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