Psalm 117
summarised in 140 characters or less

Praise the LORD! For great is his love towards us.

Posted on 24 Mar 2012 to 22,971 followers, with 43 retweets.

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I had a couple of options for this, the shortest chapter in Scripture.

At one extreme I found a couple of versions where the whole psalm fitted within 140 characters; at the other I thought about simply "Praise the LORD!"

In the end I decided to stay in keeping with the rest of the summaries, while also holding true to the principle that every psalm gives a reason for praise.

This summary (after adjustment to the more usual British English 'towards') comes in at a single character less than my summary of Esther 10.


Thanks a lot!!! Helped me with my school project


Love and faithfulness forever, just about sums it up. Praise the Lord!

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Chris Juby

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