Isaiah 62
summarised in 140 characters or less

For Zion's sake I will not keep silent. You will be given a new name. Your God will rejoice over you. Raise a banner for the nations!

Posted on 17 Aug 2012 to 24,956 followers, with 15 retweets.

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Really that's all your summary. I know its a summary but does it have to be so short could you have put just a little more detail


thank you for what you did but I would have liked more


To Jane and Lisa - remember that these posts you're reading were all tweets originally :)


V10....Raise a banner for the nations.
This verse reminds me of Song of Solomon 2:4 Let him lead me to the banquet hall, and let his banner over me be love.

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Chris Juby

I summarised all 1,189 chapters of the Bible on Twitter - one tweet per chapter, one chapter per day for over three years.

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