1 John 3
summarised in 140 characters or less

We are God's children. Those born of God do not sin. We should love one another. We know love because he laid down his life for us.

Posted on 12 Oct 2013 to 28,935 followers, with 21 retweets.

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I know that you have to make these short and they have been very helpful when I need a quick summary or guideline while reading the whole chapter, but to say "Those born of God do not sin" is somewhat inaccurate and misleading, especially to the new believer, or one who is interested in what we are about and just wants to read a quick summary of the chapter.I know you did not mean this, but I think if you can change it, it might be beneficial. Something like "those born or God don't Live in sin." You and I both know that even with God, as humans, we mess up and do sin, but we don't revel or live in it.


Thanks for your response, @TopherTwin.

I agree that "Those born of God do not sin" is quite a dramatic and challenging statement, but have a look at 1 John 3:9 - it's right there in the text! In fact it also says "They cannot sin".

That teaching obviously needs to be heard in the context of the rest of the New Testament which certainly makes provision for Christians still struggling with sin. But I think that's an issue of interpreting Scripture, not an inaccuracy in the summary.


Verse 9 states anyone born of God doth not commit sin. The only "born of God" is Jesus and he does not and cannot sin.


V 16 This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.
This is love!

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