Website Update

November 8th marked ten years since I completed the Bible Summary project. I'll have more to say about that at some point soon, but I've just published a significant update to the website, so that first...

I've been working on this new version of the website for ages. These things never seem to get finished. There's still quite a bit I need to improve and fix, but the old website had got so broken that this beta version is now a considerable improvement. It's now mobile-friendly, the email and comments forms work again, and I've removed the broken Twitter login.

Tags: website



Love to see it! Thanks for making this.


Keep it up!

Jacob McGinnis

Grateful for your hard work on this website!


I love this site. I come here to read the summaries, full scripture, and Carole's comments.

Funmi A.

Thanks so much for this site! Please restore the link to the full chapter, if possible. Thanks again and God bless!


I can't access the summaries any more.

Chris Juby

@Mike, if you click the Summaries menu at the top of the page you should be able to select the Bible book you want to view. Does that not work?

If not, could you let me know what kind of device and which browser you are using?


Thanks for keeping this going! I use this as a reference often.


Chris, thank you for the amazing work you have done on this project. I use it as a teaching reference for my 4-5th grade Sunday School and for adult women's class! Do you plan to do more summary-type work?

Gordon K.

I have just finished summary of four Gospels never thought anyone would do the whole Bible. well done! but dont be proud - be thankful

Gordon K.

I can't find it on line. is it only by the book

Chris Juby

@Gordon - click 'Summaries' above and select the book you want to see.

Kathy Schnee

This has been such a blessing! Thank you for all your hard work 😊

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Chris Juby

I summarised all 1,189 chapters of the Bible on Twitter - one tweet per chapter, one chapter per day for over three years.

Click ☰Summaries above to view the archive.

Find out about the project here, you can buy the Bible Summary book on Kindle or in paperback, and feel free to get in contact if you have any comments or questions.

The Bible Summary Book

All the summaries in a paperback book or on Kindle.

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